Everton Park
Annuals & Perennials 2020
Lesser knapweed
(Centaurea nigra)
Flower time: July
Polinators Moths/weavils Bumble bees/ beatles Black beatle/metallic wood

Field scabious
(Knautia arvensis)
Flower time: tbc
Exceptionally good for range of Bees and Butterflies / scabious miner bee – recorded in N.England for 1st time on NWC site in Huyton / look for red admirals/skippers/peacocks painted ladies/ commas – especially

Dale Street
Annuals 2020
Perennials 2021
World Museum
William Brown Street- and incredible over 200 species built up over 10 years.
World Museum, St George’s Hall, Lime Street, Tunnel Entrance
Posters along railings by pavement from Byrom Street Campus (though not many may be walking that way with students off)
On roads by Tunnel entrance